Weirdest Weapons in Gaming

Being that video games don’t exist in the real world, video game devs have a lot of creative freedom when creating video game weapons. They are free to ignore things like the laws of physics, weight restrictions and weapon size to player height ratio. In some cases though, game developers have gone beyond being creative and just got plain weird.


Final Fantasy is a series that likes to combine blades with other items to make some pretty unusual combos. Final Fantasy VIII saw the introduction of the gunblade, a sword that with a hilt shaped like that of a pistol and incorporated a firing mechanism in the blade. While the original gunblades of FFVIII could not fire projectiles, they could discharge a short range explosive if the player controlling Squall (or whoever the gunblade wielder was) could nail some precision timing. In a series famous for making iconic looking weapons, the gunblade certainly fits the category even if it isn’t very practical. Seriously, kudos to Squall, Seifer, and any of the other characters who managed to wield what is clearly designed to be a two-handed sword with a handle only meant for one. Killer wrist and forearm strength.

Squall’s gunblade stands tall among a plethora of other iconic weapons from the Final Fantasy Franchise.

Another curious blade combo from the Final Fantasy franchise is the Keyblade of Kingdom Hearts. Yes, Kingdom Hearts counts as a Final Fantasy game because of course it does and I say so. Think of a giant version of a bit or barrel key (those old-school antique keys with the keyholes you could actually look though) make the bit on the end (that part is literally called the bit) sharp and boom! You have a stylish, unique and badass looking weapon. Functionally, the keyblade works the same as the sword. What’s neat about it though is it also functions as a key, with Sora needing to collect different keyblades to open up access to other worlds.


This is a rather large category spanning multiple games and franchises. While it doesn’t seem obvious to attack enemies with weaponized versions of musical instruments or weapons that produce musical effects, they keep popping up in various games as neat novelty weapons. Ratchet & Clanks Groovitron, Devil May Cry’s Nevan and Saint’s Row’s Dubstep Gun are all examples. Effects vary depending on the game, but generally they leave enemies incapacitated through dancing or the sheer ferocity of the sound. If I had to choose, I’d say it’s not the worst way to go out as a video game villain.


Yup, fish. This one is incredibly weird, but a number of games have included fish as a joke weapon. Examples include Castle Crashers (to be fair, most of the weapons in this game are joke weapons), Chivalry 2, Team Fortress 2 and Monster Hunter World are a few examples. In a fair few games however, they are actually pretty effective. It might not seem like an obvious choice for a weapon, but have you ever been slapped by a fish!? Their wet slimy skin and broad sides create a perfect paddle-like surface for a hefty smack. Not to mention the possibility of slicing someone on the sharp dorsal fin of some species (anyone who has ever gone fishing for walleye knows the danger). In fact, it is believed that some ancient civilizations made weapons out of fish like the sawfish and swordfish. Their is the problem of holding on to it while you swing though.

Any other wacky weapons you know i didn’t cover here? Let me know in the comments?


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